Lead with Levity

Cultivating Authentic Excellence and Inclusion in the Workplace: An Interview with Personal Branding Expert Chellie Phillips

Welcome to the Lead with Levity podcast, where we explore strategies for fostering workplace well-being with a touch of humor. I’m your host, Dr. Heather Walker, and our exceptionally enlightening chat this time is with Chellie Phillips. With a background in journalism and public relations, Chellie is an expert in personal branding and workplace culture enhancement. Her work prominently shines in her best-selling book, “Culture Secrets“, which is an excellent guide to thriving in genuinely inclusive, authentically excellent environments.


Defining Authentic Excellence and Inclusion
Authentic excellence is about embracing your unique strengths and, rather than trying to fit into a specific mold, bringing your best self to work in a way that aligns with your true self. On the contrary, inclusion focuses on fostering an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and heard, leading to a supportive workplace.

Cultivating Authentic Excellence and Inclusion in the Workplace: An Interview with Personal Branding Expert Chellie Phillips

A Conversation with Chellie Phillips
Chellie is an on-point example of transforming obstacles into opportunities, supporting others, and staying true to oneself in the process. With her expertise in creating inclusive cultures and personal branding, she offers invaluable insights on career paths, self-growth, and personal branding.


A significant aspect is to know and value oneself and be able to showcase it effectively. Whether you’re a novice starting your career or a practicing professional, developing a robust personal brand is crucial to your professional and personal growth. Chellie brings a practical set of simple methods to understand oneself and use this understanding to create an impactful personal brand, promoting authenticity and resilience at their core.

Communicating for Connection
Every leader dreams of effectively connecting with their team without letting other responsibilities slide. Chellie Phillips echoes this feeling and shares her technique of supercharging connection within her team without sacrificing her managerial duties. She emphasizes the importance of communication and personal interaction and proposes a solution where these elements seamlessly blend with the work process.

Chellie utilizes a ‘Monday morning check-in’ – a platform for team members to share their weekly goals, hurdles, and wins. These open lines of communication breed informed leaders and a cohesive team that recognizes and values individual inputs. The process not only builds up the work culture but also fosters the environment of open communication that is pivotal to creating vibrant workplace cultures.


Chellie Phillips has shown us the immense possibilities that arise from authentic excellence and real inclusion in the workplace. More than that, she offers practical ways to cultivate these values, showcasing her leadership savvy and personal growth that results from her branding techniques.

Her words resonate that failure need not be a roadblock but a beneficial learning experience, a stepping stone towards creating and maintaining successful team dynamics and a thriving work culture. After all, being authentic, resilient, and supportive defines a successful professional journey and fortifies the essence of building a powerful personal brand.

Chellie’s enriching journey assures us that success comes from embodying a transparent, well-communicated, and empathetic leadership style, reinforcing the importance of these qualities in cultivating an environment of authentic excellence and inclusion.

Chellie Phillips is on a mission to redefine work as we know it. Blending Southern charm with strategic prowess, she is a seasoned coach, corporate trainer, and motivational speaker who is reshaping workplaces so both the employees and the business thrive. Her bestselling books, including “Culture Secrets: Secrets Leaders Use To Build a V.A.L.U.E. Culture,” have earned her international acclaim. As the visionary founder of Successfully Ever After, she transforms workplaces into vibrant ecosystems where passion meets profession. With a rich background spanning 25 years in the utility and public relations industry, she’s not just an expert; she’s a trailblazer. Chellie’s innovative programs, honored nationally, have become a beacon of change, inspiring workplaces across the United States. Embrace the future of work with Chellie Phillips, where every day feels like a ‘get to’ moment.