Ep.20. From Compliance to Connection: How Family Science Enhances Workplace Culture


Leaders have much to learn from functional family values. Today, we dive into how approaching the workplace as an extended family can enhance work relationships and the leader-follower connection. Today’s guest is “Dr. Dave” Schramm, an Assistant Professor and Family Life Extension Specialist at Utah State University in the department of Human Development and Family Studies. He appears monthly on Fox 13’s “The Place” and delivered multiple TedTalks, including “Family Fundamentals: The Secret Sauce to Booming Business.  His reach extends internationally through his speaking engagements and interventions designed to promote happy and healthy relationships. He has a dedicated Facebook page (DrDaveUSU) where he shares research and tips on helping individuals, parents, and couples flourish. Dr. Dave also serves on the state of Utah’s Commission on Marriage. 

In this episode, we explore:

  • What is a family life extension specialist?  What do they do?
  • What is family science?  How does this relate to business?
  • Recent TedTalk: What does it mean for an organization to adopt family values and family fundamentals?
  • How Dr. Dave came to his conclusions after amazing analyzing Inc.com best workplace employee comments.
  • What is family focused leadership? What are the 3 roles that a family-focused leader adopts?
  • What is an employee flourish program and how does that compare to an employee assistance program?
  • Who would you miss when you die?  How can we make our workplaces special enough to make that list?

“If they [employers] realize that the most important thing to their employees is not their job, it’s their family…you’ll get the very best out of them when you care [about] what means the most for them. “

“Dr. Dave” Schramm
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About Dr. Dave

“Dr. Dave” Schramm is an Assistant Professor and Family Life Extension Specialist at Utah State University in the department of Human Development and Family Studies. He serves on the state of Utah’s Commission on Marriage. He appears monthly on Fox 13’s “The Place” and multiple TedTalks, including “Family Fundamentals: The Secret Sauce to Booming Business. He launched a Facebook page (DrDaveUSU) where he shares research and tips on helping individuals, parents, and couples flourish. He’s an international speaker and his work centers on promoting happy and healthy relationships.