Lead with Levity

Ep. 53 How This One Skill Can Help You Speak to Your Arch Nemesis

Emotional intelligence is something that’s foundational to being able to function in the working world. It involves self-awareness, the ability to regulate your own emotions, to “read the room” and understand what you need to do to maintain healthy relationships. Emotional intelligence is HUGE to your personal and professional effectiveness.

That’s why I was happy to sit with Robin Hills, Founder of Ei4Change, to discuss tools and strategies that we all can use to approach difficult conversations.

We talked about issues of race, politics, and family drama. Yes, we went there! Join us, and learn how you too can master reading the room and knowing how to behave once you’re in it.

About Robin Hills

Robin Hills is an emotional intelligence coach, trainer, and facilitator with over 35 years’ business and commercial experience.

With more than 250,000 learners in 190 countries, Ei4Change are the leaders in emotional intelligence coaching and we provide a wide range of emotional intelligence courses and free resources. Our online courses are widely available and are being accessed internationally by businesses, groups and individuals all looking to make a change.

About the Lead with Levity Podcast
The Lead with Levity podcast is a show for leaders who care deeply about what makes/breaks the employee experience. Our guests are dynamic researchers, practitioners, consultants, and business leaders. We cover foundational elements that are needed to avoid forcing the fun. We also invite lively managers who lead with levity to show us how it’s done. Thanks for joining us on this journey.