Why Leading with Spiritual Intelligence is Trending


It’s August! The season is changing and life is still knocking on your door. Do you want the ability to maintain inner and outer peace regardless of the situation? I do!

I got a chance to speak to a spiritual mystic, Amy Lynn Durham, recently about this concept of spiritual intelligence (SQ). As you can imagine, she debunked some myths and shared how SQ fits in a corporate world. 

This episode is for skeptics, mystics, and the usual suspects. I hope that you enjoy the banter and new ideas. Here are a few topics we cover:

  • What does it mean to be a spiritual mystic and how does that play out in Amy’s life?
  • What is spiritual intelligence?
  • Is spiritual intelligence faith-based or connected to a specific religion?
  • How does spiritual intelligence connect to levity?
  • The SQ21 – A tool that helps people build their SQ.

About Amy Lynn Durham

Amy Lynn Durham is the founder of Create Magic At Work™ and an international authority on improving workplace culture so employees and teams have better results with less drama and stress. In addition, Amy is:

  • A U.C. Berkeley Certified Executive Coach
  • Certified to coach in the 21 skills associated with Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) using the SQ21 Assessment
  • A Certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner  

Discover all the ways you can connect with Amy and this concept below: 

About the Lead with Levity Podcast
The Lead with Levity podcast is a show for leaders who care deeply about what makes/breaks the employee experience. Our guests are dynamic researchers, practitioners, consultants, and business leaders. We cover foundational elements that are needed to avoid forcing the fun. We also invite lively managers who lead with levity to show us how it’s done. Thanks for joining us on this journey.