Talent Insurance for New Hires: A New Way to Achieve Employee Retention


What if you could buy insurance for every new hire in your organization that would guarantee retention or your money back? What a concept! A coaching and employee engagement firm called LeggUP® claims that it is the first company to insure employee productivity, wellbeing and retention for their clients.

I wanted to speak to the CEO of LeggUP® to find out what this means, how it works, and what benefits they’ve seen from this new approach. 

Join us as we explore:

  • Why and How LeggUP was founded 
  • How do you ensure employee retention?
  • LeggUP results – from 44% turnover to zero in six months
  • Reveal what is special about LeggUP’s program
  • Manager tips on how you lift up your team 
  • Tips for keeping your team together in a remote environment
  • Alternatives to EAP
  • How LeggUp supports a fun work culture

About Tom Finn

Tom Finn is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of LeggUP®, the first company to insure employee productivity, wellbeing and retention for their clients. He is also the host of the Talent Empowerment podcast where he sits down with people leaders, talent development savants, founders, and executives from every industry to learn how they’re driving people innovation. Spending his entire career in the insurance industry, Finn possesses a wealth of experience in employee benefits, InsurTech, business development, and underwriting strategies—all central to the company’s unique offering, Talent Insurance®. Talent Insurance® provides a single platform for personalized professional development and preventative mental health support, for a fraction of the cost. Since launching in 2017, LeggUP® has helped organizations dramatically reduce staff turnover while increasing output, boasting impressive book-of-business results like a 73% improvement in employee job satisfaction, a 66% improvement in ability to avoid burnout, and a 39% improvement in physical health, lowering medical costs for client companies. LeggUP® improves the culture of organizations and issues Talent Insurance® payments to customers experiencing turnover.

Finn has been recognized by The Financial Technology Report as a Top InsurTech Executive for 2021. In addition to being an active member of SHRM and PIHRA, Finn is a member of the Young Entrepreneurs Council, a Forbes contributor, and a 2021 Innovator of the year in his local business journal. LeggUP was additionally recognized as a Great Place to Work thanks to its inclusive company culture efforts. Finn previously worked at Aetna as VP, growing regional earnings from $6 million to $50 million and expanding the business from 110,000 covered employees to over 500,000. He was also the regional managing director of Anthem Blue Cross. Finn earned his MBA from the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business and a Bachelor of Science in business from The University of Arizona’s Eller College of Business.