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Unleashing Potential: A Conversation with Jack Skeels on Empowered and Happy Organizations

Unleashing Potential: A Conversation with Jack Skeels on Empowered and Happy Organizations

5 min read

In the bustling world of business and organizational management, the quest for efficiency, empowerment, and happiness within the workplace is a journey many leaders embark upon, yet few travel successfully. It was in this context that I had the privilege…

Appreciative Inquiry: A Playful and Curious Way to Explore Possibilities

6 min read

Do you find yourself feeling closer to your team when you focus on what’s right and what’s possible or when you focus on what’s wrong? This blog post is about…

Becoming Anti-fragile in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous World

2 min read

We live in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world. This word soup is referred to as VUCA, and it was once used to describe managing under special circumstances.…

From Startup to Customer Service Powerhouse: A Chick-fil-A Story

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Maintaining quality face-to-face service is getting harder and harder these days. Fortunately, many of the traditional principles still apply. Join us today for an interview with Dee Ann Turner. With…

The Secret to Success in Every Industry: A Conversation with Rasmus Holst

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In a world where the average turnover rate in some industries spikes to over 21%, holding onto talent becomes a challenge every leader faces. Yet, it’s a challenge that Rasmus…