The Truth About Staying Busy


Ah, busyness. The badge of honor many wear with pride. Ever find yourself bragging about how little sleep you got because you were up working on that proposal? Raise your hand if you’ve ever used the “I’m just so busy” card to skip out on your weekly yoga class, dodge a family gathering, or even avoid a deadline. No judgment here; we’ve all been there. But if you’ve ever flaunted your busyness as if it were a shiny gold medal, only to later realize that it feels more like a heavy chain around your neck, then this post is for you! Let’s dive in and understand why being perpetually busy might not be the gold standard we once thought it was.

The Negative Effects of Busyness on Health

“Busy” is the new “fine.” Remember the days when you’d ask someone how they were, and they’d reply with a simple “fine”? Well, now it’s “busy.” This shift indicates that people perceive being busy as a good thing. But is “busy” *really* the badge of honor we want to wear? Let’s be real. In actuality being too busy has negative impacts on our physical health. Nobody ever says, “I want to be so busy that I forget to eat lunch,” but sadly that has become the norm. We are so concerned with what we have to do that we don’t stop checking on how we’re feeling. This is starting to become a worrisome difference that we need to change. 🤦

Remember when 'fine' was the go-to response? Now it's 'busy.' But who really wants to be so busy they forget lunch? 🤦 #BusyNoMore #SelfCareFirst Share on X
woman in gray top sitting beside gray tea pot and cup on brown wooden table

Heart Diseases and Other Scary Stuff: The truth is that busyness can have a detrimental impact on our health. Studies have shown that chronic busyness is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and other scary stuff. When we are constantly rushed and overwhelmed, our bodies go into overdrive, releasing stress hormones that can wreak havoc on our cardiovascular system. Furthermore, being too busy often means neglecting self-care practices such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep.

These lifestyle factors are crucial for maintaining a strong and resilient body. So, while it may seem admirable to be juggling multiple responsibilities and ticking off tasks from our never-ending to-do lists, we need to pause and ask ourselves if it’s truly worth sacrificing our well-being in the process. After all, what good is a productive day if it comes at the expense of our long-term health? It’s time to shift the narrative from glorifying busyness to prioritizing self-care and finding a healthy balance in our lives. Studies show that busy workaholics are more likely to develop heart disease. Constant hustling means little time to unwind and de-stress. Chronic busyness and the accompanying stress can elevate your heart rate, blood pressure, and risk of cardiovascular diseases.

person holding blue sand

Losing Time: Not only does busyness take a toll on our physical health, but it also distorts our perception of time. Have you ever noticed how the days seem to fly by when you’re constantly on the go? It’s as if the clock is ticking faster, leaving us feeling like there’s never enough time in the day. This heightened sense of urgency can lead to increased stress and anxiety, as we try to cram more and more into our already jam-packed schedules. And let’s not forget about the mental exhaustion that comes with being in a perpetual state of busyness.

Our brains need downtime to recharge and process information, but when we’re always on the move, there’s no room for relaxation or reflection. So next time you find yourself glorifying your busy lifestyle, take a moment to consider the toll it may be taking on your well-being and overall quality of life. After all, there’s more to life than just being busy. It’s almost ironic, isn’t it? By cramming more into our days, we might be shortening our overall lifespan. Rushing around continuously isn’t adding more time; it’s subtracting it.

brown and white heart shaped hanging ornament

Weighty Matters: Fast food, missed workouts, eating over the laptop – sound familiar? Your busy lifestyle might be making your waistline… busier. We all know the feeling of being so busy that we can barely find time to eat a proper meal, let alone make it to the gym. But did you know that your hectic schedule could be contributing to weight gain? It’s true. When we’re constantly rushing from one task to another, it’s easy to grab fast food on the go or skip our workouts altogether. And let’s not forget about the mindless eating that often accompanies working over the laptop or while multitasking. These unhealthy habits can quickly add up and take a toll on our waistlines.

So while being busy may give us a sense of accomplishment in other areas of our lives, it’s important to remember that our health should never be sacrificed in the process. Finding a balance between work and self-care is key when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight and overall well-being. So next time you find yourself overwhelmed with tasks, take a moment to prioritize your health and make conscious choices that support your goals. Because at the end of the day, being truly healthy is worth more than any gold medal of busyness. 

man sitting on chair covering his eyes

Mental Health: Ever felt like you’re juggling twelve tasks while riding a unicycle on a tightrope over a pit of alligators? Yeah, that’s the busy workaholic life, and it’s a slippery slope to anxiety and depression. The mental toll of a busy lifestyle cannot be ignored. Constantly juggling multiple responsibilities and tasks can leave us feeling like we’re walking on a tightrope, desperately trying to keep our balance. The pressure to perform and meet deadlines can lead to increased stress and anxiety, which in turn can pave the way for more serious mental health issues such as depression. When we are always on the go, there is little time for self-care or relaxation.

In a world obsessed with hustle, dare to respond, 'I’m living at my own pace, and it feels amazing.' #EnjoyTheJourney" Share on X

Our minds need downtime to recharge and process information, but when we are in a perpetual state of busyness, that downtime is nonexistent. It’s as if we’re riding a unicycle while juggling twelve tasks over a pit of alligators; one wrong move and everything comes crashing down. So, we need to prioritize our mental well-being and create space in our lives for rest and rejuvenation. Taking breaks, practicing mindfulness, and seeking support when needed are essential steps toward maintaining good mental health amidst the chaos of a busy life. Remember, being productive shouldn’t come at the expense of our sanity. 

The Tradeoffs of Staying Busy

Ever felt like you’re on a treadmill that won’t stop? The faster you run, the faster it goes, and suddenly, you’re missing out on the scenic view outside. Staying busy can have profound effects on the quality of your life. Let’s think about this for a moment. How many of life’s pleasures are you missing out on because your calendar is chock-a-block?

  • Hobbies, what’s that? Remember hobbies? Those things you did for pure joy and not because it was on your to-do list? Busy workaholics often find their paintbrushes dry, guitars out of tune, or running shoes lost in the closet. Your hobbies are texting: “Miss you. Where are you?”
  • Quality time, or lack thereof: Missing your kid’s first words or a friend’s milestone because of work might earn you the “Do-er” badge, but at what cost?
  • Ghosting… everyone? When was the last time you called a friend just because? Or had a date night? Busy workaholics often end up unintentionally ghosting their loved ones. Let’s not turn our personal life into an unsolved mystery.
  • Chasing deadlines over dreams: Have you become the person who’s perpetually late or missing deadlines because you’re swamped? That’s not productivity; that’s chaotic busyness.
  • Lonely at the top: Sure, you might be climbing the corporate ladder with your busyness, but who will be there to celebrate with you if you’ve neglected personal relationships along the way?
Lonely at the top – the price of climbing the corporate ladder alone. No amount of busyness is worth losing meaningful connections. #LonelySuccess #ConnectMore Share on X

To Conclude…

Considering today’s hustle culture, it’s easy to wear our busyness as a crown. But is it worth the cost? Let’s embrace the pauses, enjoy the moments, and remember: being busy isn’t the same as being productive or effective. You’re not a robot designed for constant work. You’re a beautifully complex human being deserving of rest, joy, and meaningful connections. So, the next time someone asks you how you are, wouldn’t it be wonderful to respond with, “I’m living at my own pace, and it feels amazing”? Embrace the magic of slow living and let the busy workaholic in you take a well-deserved break. After all, life isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. Enjoy the journey. 🐢🌼🏞️