4 Stages to the Psychologically Safe Workplace

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Are you ready to learn the 4 stages of a psychologically safe workplace? Safety is not a flat topic–there are layers to a person’s sense of safety. Psychological safety is also something we have to work to achieve and maintain. As leaders, we have the privilege and responsibility to create safe spaces. Today’s guest is Dr. Timothy Clark.

“Psychological safety means you (1) feel included, (2) feel safe to learn, (3) feel safe to contribute, and (4) feel safe to challenge the status quo – all without fear of being embarrassed, marginalized, or punished in some way.”

Leader Factor

In this episode, we cover:

  • How Dr. Clark became interested in psychological safety
  • How psychological safety opens the door to other prosocial behaviors
  • What leaders can do to help people feel more secure
  • How to create safe spaces at work
  • How to engage in levity safely
  • How to grow your appreciation for differences

“You cannot sit on the periphery and understand differences, and be aware of differences, and develop a true sense of inclusion in your heart. …It’s better to engage.”

Timothy Clark, Ph.D.

About Timothy Clark, Ph.D.

Timothy R. Clark is founder and CEO of LeaderFactor, a consulting, coaching, and training organization. Dr. Clark is an international authority in the fields of psychological safety & innovation, large-scale change & transformation, and senior leadership development. He has personally coached over 100 CEOs and executives and trained many senior teams around the world. Some of his clients include Accenture, American Express, CIGNA, Columbia University, Disney, Dow Chemical, Eli Lilly, Environmental Protection Agency, HCA, Idaho National Laboratory, Honeywell, Intel, Internal Revenue Service, John Hopkins University, Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, Motorola, NASA, Riverbed Technology, Sprint, Stanford University, and the U.S. Department of Treasury.

About the podcast:
The Lead with Levity podcast is a show for leaders who care deeply about what makes/breaks the employee experience. Our guests are dynamic researchers, practitioners, consultants, and business leaders. We cover foundational elements that are needed to avoid forcing the fun. We also invite lively managers who lead with levity to show us how it’s done. Thanks for joining us on this journey.