Are you ready to get to know your team in new and interesting ways? Try this team challenge. Over the next two weeks, you will use this ridiculously simple and surprisingly fun calendar to inject positivity and energy into your team. It is designed to work even when sticky notes and pens are the only items allowed in your budget.
Let your team know that a) you recognize that life/work has been a bit heavy lately, b) it’s time to have a little fun, or c) you’d like to get to know each other better. Share the calendar with your team and ask if they’re willing to try it out with you.
A team challenge that will bring you closer
This calendar is best wielded by the manager, the keeper of all team happiness, or an extra chipper teammate. It works best when everyone participates every day. No exceptions. We hope you enjoy the activities!
Truth be told, this is setup as a team activity, but it can easily be adapted for those who want to do this on their own to surprise friends and family. Wouldn’t it be nice to get a text message out of the blue that lists all of the wonderful qualities that you display? Of course! Be the change you want to see in the world and spread some positivity today.
Did you try some of the activities? Which one did you enjoy most? Do you have another fun activity to share? Let us know in the comments.