Coaching the Coach: How to Help Others Reach Their Full Potential

black and white image of a man smiling clasping hands while seated wearing glasses and a tie

I’ve been privileged to work with several mentors over the years, and I can personally attest to the power of having someone in your corner who can help you find the clarity you need to navigate life’s choices.  

If you have anyone who looks up to you (and you should have at least one person), then this episode is for you!

Find out:

  • The difference between a coach and a mentor 
  • What it takes to be a great mentor
  • How Greg navigates different coaching scenarios
  • How to know if you have a good coach 

About Greg Ballard

Greg has held many unique titles in his professional career and has seen many ups and downs in his life. During these transitions, he discovered his passion for mentoring and leadership development. As the CEO and founder of Five C Consulting, Greg works with CEOs to small business owners to improve their mindset, business habits and overall approach in order to improve productivity, communication, strategic decision making and many other challenges leaders face.  With Greg’s help, clients are more prepared and better equipped to deliver difficult feedback, navigate politics and influence their peers. Greg helps to pave the way for personal development with his clients as well. He serves and supports his clients by offering the right tools and insight to set them on a clear path and helps them understand how to maintain their progress. 

Greg is a Certified Professional Coach, Professional Certified Coach, Authorized Partner for Everything DiSC, Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team, PXT Select and Energy Leadership Master Practitioner. 

“I love to serve people through coaching, and believe each and every person possesses a unique and powerful gift.”

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About the Podcast
The Lead with Levity podcast is a show for leaders who care deeply about what makes/breaks the employee experience. Our guests are dynamic researchers, practitioners, consultants, and business leaders. We cover foundational elements that are needed to avoid forcing the fun. We also invite lively managers who lead with levity to show us how it’s done. Thanks for joining us on this journey.